Minggu, 06 April 2008

Robot Rolly Mainkan Musik Sambil Berjoget

TOKYO, SELASA - Sony menggabungkan teknologi robotikanya ke dalam pemutar musik sehingga menjadi produk yang interaktif. Sambil memutar musik, robot yang diberi nama Rolly bisa berjoget sesuai iringan.

Meski telah dilengkapi kemampuan robotika, Rolly dikategorikan sebagai produk pemutar musik. Dengan bentuk bulat, pemutar musik canggih ini dilengkapi speaker built in dan lampu-lampu berwarna yang berkedap-kedip saat "berjoget."

"Kontrol gerak dan teknologi sensor (yang dikembangkan pada proyek robot sebelumnya) diaplikasikan pada Rolly, namun ini produk audio," ujar Saori Takahashi, jurubicara Sony. Penggunanya dapat mengatur gerakannya sesuai musik yang diunduh dari komputer atau perangkat yang dilengkapi koneksi Bluetooth.

Dalam bidang robotika, Sony telah mengembangkan robot anjing bernama Aibo dan homanoid Qrio. Namun, program pengembangan tersebut dihentikan karena terlilit biaya tinggi. Namun, Sony menyebut produk barunya merupakan terobosan produk audio pertama dan terdepan yang dilengkapi kemampuan robotika.

Rolly akan tersedia di Jepang mulai 29 September dengan kapasitas memori penyimpanan 1 gigabyte.

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008

Antics Releases New 3D Animation Software

Antics Technologies, a UK-based provider of real-time 3D animation software, has released new content for the users of Antics V3 BasePack, the free version of its core 3D animation software.
The free V3 BasePack has features similar to those of the professional version Antics V3 ProPack and is at the entry-level of Antics's product suite. The company claims that the easy-to-use software improves users' ability to import 3D content. Antics has also released 53 individual paid Premium Content Packs, which include themes such as the Wild West sets, Pirate characters and Animal packs. With the new additions, Antics's content collection has reached 3,000 free and premium individual assets, including interactive characters, props, sounds, sets and terrains. The content is available on the company's website.
Phil Swinstead, founder of Antics, said: "The new premium content releases are a continuation of our quest to bring 3D animation to the masses. Anyone from complete novices to more experienced animation enthusiasts can now use Antics to create animations, without any professional training, using the large free content available to all Antics users and purchasing those special premium content elements they need to bring extra life to their stories." Antics says that its real-time system, which is based on gaming technology, enables the creation of characters for a range of applications such as production of 3D animation, hobbyist animation, professional entertainment animated storyboarding, pre-visualisation and pitching. Animators can share their ideas with others on Antics's online community forum. They can join hands to work on collaborative projects, watch clips in the Antics Cinema, enter competitions and also offer suggestions to the Antics product line. Antics offers its users an online support option including support through the online community forum, 50 video tutorials and interactive workshops.

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